Thank you to all my clients who continue to share their hopes and dreams with me each session. You are the reason I get up every day, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. -Laura Gomez, Owner of Project Ink, LLC
Eyelash Extensions
Get Perfect Lashes
Enhance your natural eyelashes with hyperrealistic synthetic hairs applied directly to your lashes. Get the thick, fluttery, or natural look you’ve always dreamed of.
Fill services require 50-70% of original extensions to remain at the time of service. Arriving with less than 50% of original synthetic lashes may result in added time, added cost, additional fills needed sooner, or a new full set of eyelash extensions.

Brow Services
Tired of trimming, plucking, and shaving your brows? I can help you achieve an effortless look day after day.

Waxing Services
Perfectly Smooth Skin

Both hard and soft waxes are available. Each waxing service ends with a skin-soothing product application. A post-waxing treatment is recommended for continued use at home and may be purchased at the time of service.